Berkeley CTO Post Graduate Studies Graduation

I am happy to announce that I have completed my eighteen-month postgraduate CTO studies at UC Berkeley and have graduated. I’m so grateful to be surrounded by such loving and supportive family and friends, colleagues, brilliant professors, and the leadership at UC Berkeley. Your support has enabled me to conclude eleven years of research, multiple patents, and a book condensing my research and innovations. I will continue to push the boundaries of disruptive innovation to make the world a better place.

My goal since the beginning of my research has always been to focus on interdisciplinary engineering in the areas of advanced cloud architecture, biology and genetics, physics, and human health to reduce diseases and improve human life and longevity. During this journey, I have been extremely blessed to be in the company of some of the most brilliant and compassionate leaders, which has been beyond inspirational. I am forever grateful and know that together, we can have a profoundly positive impact on humanity. My drive is to advance forward in preventive and precision medicine to attack diseases with a multifaceted approach. Humanity has endless possibilities, and this inspires me daily. We can accomplish anything together, solving some of our world’s greatest challenges. Evolving preventative medicines to address disease in its earliest stages while progressing precision medicines to enable treatments designed around precision genomics will drastically improve human health and longevity, lowering treatment and insurance costs and enabling healthcare equality globally. Thank you, everyone, for inspiring me to move forward with the same love and conviction daily.